Step 1 of 3 33% Employee Bank DetailsName* First Last Address*Suburb*Date of Birth* Date Format: YYYY dash MM dash DD Marital Status*SingleMarriedDefactoBank*Branch*Account NameBranch Number (BSB)*Account Number*It is your responsibility to provide all of the correct information relating to your bank account details, Alton will not be held responsible for transferring monies into the wrong account if your details are incorrectSignature*Please ensure you return this form prior to your first pay day PERSONAL CHOICE OF SUPERANNUATION FUNDSuperannuation Account*AMP SUPERANZ SMART CHOICE SUPERANNUATIONANZ STAFF SUPERANNUATIONAUST MEAT IND SUPER TRUSTAUSTRALIAN RETIREMENT TRUSTAUSTRALIAN SUPERAWARE SUPERBT LIFETIME SUPERCARE SUPERANNUATIONCBUS SUPERCOLONIAL F.C. PERSONAL SUPERESSENTIAL SUPERANNUATIONFIRST SUPERANNUATIONFUTURE SUPERHESTA SUPERANNUATIONHOSTPLUS SUPERANNUATIONIQ SUPERLOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPERLUCRF SUPERANNUATIONMEAT IND. EMPLOYEES SUPER FUNDMLC MASTERKEY BUSINESS SUPERNORTH PERSONAL SUPERANNUATIONPANORAMA SUPERPRIME SUPERQ SUPERREST SUPERANNUATIONSIMPLE CHOOICE SUPERANNUATIONSLATE SUPERANNUATIONSPIRIT SUPERSUNSUPER SUPERANNUATIONTRANSPORT WORKERS SUPER FUNDVIC SUPEROtherSuperannuation Name of Fund*Superannuation Fund ABNSuperannuation Address*Superannuation Suburb*Superannuation Post Code*Superannuation Phone*Superannuation Fax*Superannuation Membership Number*Superannuation Account Name*I request that all future superannuation guarantee contributions be made into the above-mentioned fundSuperannuation Signature* Tax File Number DeclarationWhat is your tax file number* If you have changed your name since you last dealt with the ATO, provide your previous surname: Previous SurnameOn what basis are you employed:*Full-Time EmploymentPart-Time EmploymentLabour HireSuperannuation or annuityCasual EmploymentAre you?An Australian resident for tax purposesA foreign resident for tax purposesA working holiday makerDo you want to claim the tax-free threshold from this payer?*YesNoDo you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP. Student Start Up Loan (SSL) or Trade Support Loan (TSL) debtYesNoDo you have a Financial Supplement debt?YesNo